All About Pressing Rosin Using Nylon Filter Sheets

nylon filter sheets
How to Use Nylon Filter Sheets by Gutenberg’s Dank Pressing Co.

What are Nylon Filter Sheets (Seamless Rosin Bags)?

Pressing rosin requires the use of nylon mesh filters to hold in unwanted plant material while allowing the rosin to flow through the fine spaces in the mesh. Rosin bags are the most popular nylon mesh product used. They can be stitched along one side and the bottom or along both sides (like with Bottle Tech Style Rosin Bags). 

Recently, it has become more popular to fold your own “bag” with nylon filter sheets. Nylon filter sheets are made of the same fine nylon mesh used for rosin bags. The biggest difference between a nylon filter sheet and a rosin bag is that nylon filter sheets do not have any stitched seams. Rosin bags have stitched seams that are used to create the bag. Nylon filter sheets are usually used for pressing hash rosin, but they could also be used to press flower rosin with proper preparation.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Filter Sheets to Press Rosin


Many agree that the main advantage of using filter sheets over rosin bags is that there is no material lost in the stitched seams. The stitching of rosin bags might catch some of the rosin when being pressed. This means lower yields. Another advantage would be the versatility of the nylon filter sheets. They can be cut to any size you want for your pressing needs. It is also the opinion of some that it is easier to pack and fold a filter sheet than it is to successfully pack a rosin bag.


Of course, some still prefer rosin bags to nylon filter sheets for their own personal needs. It could be said that rosin bags are more of a sure thing than self-folded filter sheets, especially for beginners. The last thing you want is your filter sheet to unfold and let some unwanted plant material seep into your rosin. It is also possible that using too little filter sheet to wrap your material can cause a blowout. 

How to Press Rosin Using Nylon Filter Sheets

Prepare Your Starting Material

You want your starting material, whether it is hash or flower, to be shaped into a tight brick shape. Be very careful to avoid air pockets. For hash, put some non-stick gloves on and warm the hash with your hands. This will make it easier to shape into a brick. For flower, use small to medium sized buds. Be sure to remove all stems. Shape the flower into a brick shape by pressing the buds together with your hands. It can be useful to use a pre-press mold for this. Make sure you do not leave any air pockets in the brick.

Fold Your Filter Sheets

folding nylon filter sheets
Folding Nylon Filter Sheets by High Tide Hash

Lay your filter sheet flat on a flat surface. Place your brick of starting material at the bottom-center (from your perspective) of the sheet. You want to leave about 0.5 – 1 inch of sheet on each side of the brick. If you have more than that, you can cut the sheet down. You might be wondering, “How Much Can Fit in a 6×6 inch Nylon Filter Sheet”? Generally, a 6×6 inch filter sheet can fit about 7-14 grams of hash or 3.5-7 grams of flower.

Now, begin to roll the brick up all the way to the top of the filter sheet. It is best to avoid any creases. Fold the two ends of the sheet over the rest of the rolled up sheet. It is best to fold them in the same direction so they end up on the same side. 

If you were only able to fold the sheet over the brick one time, it might be in your benefit to repeat the process and fold another sheet around your original sheet. This is like Double Bag Tech with rosin bags. The added durability allows you to really crank up the pressure during a press without fear of a blowout. Some might choose to use a higher micron filter sheet as the outer sheet because the goal is added durability and not more filtration. 

Place Folded Filter Sheets On The Rosin Press Plates

First, line your rosin press plates with parchment paper. This will be used to “catch” the rosin as it is pressed. Make sure you use enough parchment paper on the bottom plate so that it extends in the front about 6 inches or more. You want enough to catch all the rosin as it flows. 

Now you can place the folded filter sheet onto the very center of the press plates. You do not want any of the folded sheet to lay over the edges of the press plates. It could be advantageous to fold another piece of parchment into a sort of “directional-pouch”. Fold a piece of parchment in half. Now, let’s say the folded edge is the bottom. Fold the left and right edges half way in, then back on themselves again. Now you have a directional-pouch that you can slide your folder filter sheet into. Place the directional-pouch with your folded filter sheet inside onto the very center of the press plates.

You may choose to aim the parchment so that the rosin will flow directly into a jar. This technique is known as Jar Tech and it is a popular method to cure your rosin.

Apply Pressure & Heat

hash rosin press high tide hash
High Tide Hash

Apply just enough pressure to hold the folded sheet in place on the press. Now turn on the heat and wait for the plates to hit the target temperature. What temperature you use is entirely up to you and your personal goals. Usually, people press between 160℉ and 210℉. Higher temperatures may increase yields and require less time on the press, but you run the risk of too much heat destroying some valuable terpenes or the consistency of your rosin becoming shatter-like. When the press plates are heated, let the folded filter sheet sit there for about 30 seconds. This is to warm the starting material to a prime place where it is begging to be squished.

Begin to steadily increase the pressure. You want to be consistently applying more and more pressure throughout the duration of the press. How long the press takes is related to how much material and what kind of material you started with. Flower generally takes longer on the press than hash. You usually see hash rosin take about 90 seconds to a bit over two minutes whereas flower rosin can take upwards of 3 minutes on the press. You will develop a better feel for this the more often you press.

Be careful not to apply so much pressure that the bag blows out. You also want to avoid applying too much pressure too quickly as this can also cause a blowout. When you have reached your max pressure, immediately release the pressure and remove the folded filter sheet from the heated plates.

Collect and Cure

Let the rosin cool to room temperature. This will make it easier to collect. It is not advised that you use the freezer to cool the rosin. You could use a cold plate to cool it instead. Now, use a dab tool to collect the rosin from the parchment. Using a rolling technique with your dab tool is a tried and true method of efficiently collecting the rosin. Immediately get the rosin into an airtight jar. Now you have some quality fresh-pressed rosin. You can choose to cure your rosin which may alter the flavor and consistency.

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